Andy Goldsworthy is a Scottish art who specializes in earthwork or "land art". He uses materials that he finds out in nature and in the location in which he is working. Most of his work is featured outside, or made outside until transported inside. Since most of his work is done outside, most of it, if not all of it, is meant to stay outside, but not meant to last any sort of long period of time. After the work is completed, it is photographed and left to do what it pleases. His work is inspired by the land, rivers, and seas. He has been compared to an impressionist based on his use of light and color in his work.
I personally love Andy Goldsworthy's work. I believe it take incredible patience and commitment to create the things that he creates.
He has amazing symmetry just using sticks and stones. I think I like it most of all because I find it very impressive.

This is one of my favorite works that he has done. I don't have the title for it. I first saw this when i saw a clip of his documentary
Rivers and Tides. He found a large stone and attached icicles that he found to it using water to attach the pieces and his teeth to shape the icicles.

I also don't have a title for this one. This one i mostly like because I really want to know how he did it. There are no footprints or anything but it looks to be ice covered in snow with the curvy line drawn into it. I just want to know how he does all of these things so perfect.
-Lubow A. " Andy Goldsworthy" Smithsonian 36.8 (2005) 46-47.
Academic Search Premiere. Web. 30 Jan 2014.
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