We discussed Tara Donovan in class, which is how I found out about her. In reading article about her, it talked about how she came into her latest work. The article explained how it was studio mishap that started it all. A large box of toothpicks spilled, and the way in which they landed caught her attention. This mishap is how she came to create her toothpick cube. Whether this story is true or not I found it very interesting. In her work she uses mass produced materials and just begins to create. A lot of the work she does is site specific.
I like that she has no deep inner meaning about the work that she creates, she chooses her material because she likes the look of it and she just goes. I feel like not enough artists do this and it's always about the meaning of the work that is the important thing rather than the work itself.

This is the work that i first discuss, "the studio mishap". I find it very impressive that it's so perfectly square. There is something almost disturbing about how perfect it is. Its so simple and I think that's what makes it effective.

This is my favorite work from Tara Donovan. She has completely transformed her material, cups, into something completely new. It is very recognizable as cups, and the way that it works with the lights just gives it a whole new life. The form looks almost light a weird liquid material to me.
-Hudson, S. (2009, 01). Tara Donovan.
Artforum International. 47, 204. Retrieved from: http://search.proquest.com/docview/214332731?accountid=9649.
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