Judith Braun started out in the 1980's as a figure painter. she was Painting figures in a realistic manner. She painted naturalistic scenes, but then she state painting angles in a more dream-like world. After her period of angels she began to finger paint. She used graphite and her hands to create large compositions. Most of the works is symmetrical designs and landscapes.
What i like about her is she is showing up all of the elementary kids out there who are finger painting as we speak. I remember finger painting and it was nothing even close to what she does. On top of this she uses graphite, most smudges with graphite in my drawings are accidents, she is making the accidents a purposeful thing. It seems like it would have taken a long time to really get the technique of know how much graphite to use and how much pressure to apply with yours hands.

I think this work is pretty darn awesome, she basically has a wall of her own finger prints. I'm so curious as to whether she lays it out before hand or if she just lets herself loose on the wall/canvas.

I am basically just aw-struck by these works. It's hard enough to create symmetry on your own but to do it like this and in such an impressive way is just amazing. There is a great range of values. she also does some other work where I think she uses color pencil on black paper.
-Judith Braun. Bio. (Web). judithbraun.com/46225/bio/ 4 Feb 2014.
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