Thursday, February 27, 2014

Trevor Paglen (Extra Credit) 02/27/14

      Throughout most of the lecture that Trevor Paglen gave he talked a lot about secret government projects. One thing I distinctly remember were the patched that he showed us and how they were there to signify who was part of the secret project. It was odd how they couldn't talk about such projects but were given patches that had hidden meaning on them as to what the project was about. 
     Another topic that he discuss was the secret satellites that he would photograph. there is this whole group of astronomers that basically just track these satellites. He began to do the same and then would photograph them in the sky as the passed by in orbit. With these satellites, he discussed how they basically become space junk after sometime in space, they don't deteriorate because of the conditions, but they would eventually stop working, exit their orbit and just remain where they stay if not float off into space of come falling back to earth.
     From the talk about eh satellites he began to talk about a project that he did in which they sent a sort of artwork/message up in space for the future generations. He did this because he thought about all the artwork there is no w that has our own interpretation to it but no actual documentation from the time stating the true meaning. So he wanted to send a message to the future basically with a clear meaning.
    Those are the topics that stood out most to me in listening to his lecture.

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