Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Boise Zoo

I went to the Zoo as one of my exhibits. I took the entire zoo as an exhibit rather than using just one specific space. The display is for education and entertainment.
I see lots of wild life in just about every direction both plant life and animals. There are tall linked cages that hold monkeys and birds. Then there are the large in ground exhibits that are mostly barred by wood and concrete to hold bigger animals like the bears and giraffes.  There are smaller cages made of either glass or more linked metal hold the smaller animals like the red panda. There are also an exhibit for mere cats where there is class and concrete and a lot of sand. There are also buildings in which have nonliving and small animals that are kept indoors and are a part of a more themed atmosphere.
My first impression of the exhibit is that it's been around a long time. Nothing really looks new, as I know that it's not.  I like that there is a lot of greenery and trees that provide shade.
It's old, informative, varied, green, brown, lots of pathways, a pond, lots of metal cages.
It's obvious that it has display/museum qualities. There is a pane with information at just about every turn and and direction. They are on the cages of the animal or off to the side of them. There are displays next to plants that are by themselves as well as in the exhibits. There are also people placed around the zoo who are maintaining the animals and area, who also inform you about the zoo.
I don't really know if there is a point of view for the creator of this exhibit aside from easily navigated and informative.
I think that the meaning that is meant to be conveyed is that the creator wanted the zoo to be enjoy and educational. I think that they want people who live and visit here to be able to enjoy and easily go through the zoo in an environment that is safe.
There is a natural element to the zoo, lots of plants and animals. Lots of signs that direct you and inform you. Aside from maybe repetition, I don't see many formal elements included in the exhibits.
I think most of the decisions were based on money and location. Things like if they can house certain animals and can they afford to maintain and keep them alive and happy. They also had to think that children and schools and families would be there main guests and that it needs to be easy to navigate.
The intended audience is basically just animal lovers, children, and family. I think it's effective in being educational and entertaining.  I wish there was more to look at but I don't think that funding an environmental aspects allow for much

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